Representation Agreements and Powers of Attorney – Part 3 of 3 #320

BC Real Estate Association logo with the words "legally speaking" printed below

By Gerry NeelyB.A. LL.B. The contents of the representation agreement are yours to decide. With respect to personal, medical and health care decisions, speak to your family, friends and medical professionals. It is particularly important that you speak with your doctor if you have a chronic medical problem. State whether and under what circumstances you

Representation Agreements and Powers of Attorney – Part 2 of 3 #319

BC Real Estate Association logo with the words "legally speaking" printed below

By Gerry NeelyB.A. LL.B. A representation agreement (RA) will be the principal document used to appoint someone you trust to make your medical, personal care, financial and legal decisions. There are two types of RAs. The first is a simple representation agreement (SRA) which gives the representative the authority to make routine legal and financial