BCREA Condemns Sexualized Violence

BC Real Estate Association logo on blue background

We at the BC Real Estate Association are deeply disturbed by recent allegations of sexual assault by REALTORS® against members of the Victoria community. Above all, our thoughts are with individuals who have shared their experiences. We acknowledge the courage it takes to come forward as a survivor of sexual assault and support investigations into

Working with Unrepresented Parties #536

Since the restriction on limited dual agency was introduced in 2018, it has become more common for REALTORS® to work with unrepresented parties in a transaction. Dealing with unrepresented parties presents risks to both consumers and Realtors. Realtors should be familiar with the Real Estate Rules for dealing with unrepresented parties so that they understand

PODCAST: How to Manage Risk in BC’s Current Housing Market (March 2021)

Open House by BC Real Estate Association logo

On this month’s episode of Open House by BCREA, we highlight best practices and ways for REALTORS® to manage risk in BC’s current housing market. From client conversations, to offer presentations and documentation, Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver Professional Standards Manager and BCREA instructor Kim Spencer takes you through it all. We also talk

UPDATE: New Form Helps Brokerages Meet Anti-Money Laundering Requirements

Zoomed in hand of realtor showing client where to sign on a document

UPDATE (March 24, 2021): Minor changes have been made to the Why Do REALTORS® Ask for Your Personal Information consumer video to provide greater clarity on the process for receipt of funds and to update the reference to the Individual Identification Information Record. All other aspects of this video remain unchanged. In September, BCREA released

Supply and Demand: A Quantitative History of BC Home Prices

Chart showing historical decomposition of real price growth from 2015 to 2020

To view the Market Intelligence Report PDF, click here. Summary Findings: Growth in home prices is a function of many factors and those factors do not always impact prices to the same degree Shocks to housing demand and interest rates are the largest contributors to fluctuations in home prices, but provincial and municipal governments have

What happens if your client or close contact tests positive for COVID-19?

Small vial labelled "COVID-19 test, positive"

If being in the midst of a global pandemic wasn’t enough, with BC’s historically busy housing market, REALTORS® are operating under extenuating circumstances and are faced with balancing health and safety with serving their clients best interests. As a result of COVID-19, you have adapted your practices to ensure your clients and the community at

BC Housing Market Continues at a Record Pace

Chart showing February 2021 sales over/under previous February sales record from around British Columbia

For the complete news release, including detailed statistics, click here. Vancouver, BC – March 11, 2021. The British Columbia Real Estate Association (BCREA) reports that a total of 10,918 residential unit sales were recorded by the Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®) in February 2021, an increase of 89.1 per cent over February 2020 and over a thousand

REALTORS® and COVID-19: Three Tips for Working During the Hot Market

Realtor showing clients an apartment. Everyone is wearing COVID-19 masks

In February’s episode of Open House by BCREA, our monthly podcast for REALTORS®, host Tony Joe and his guests – former Real Estate Board of Greater Vancouver President and current Vancouver-area Realtor Phil Moore, and lawyer Brian Taylor – explore some of the challenges and opportunities of working in a historically busy market during COVID-19.

Water Sustainability Act – You Have Questions, We Have Answers

Icon of a spotlight shining light on the BC Real Estate Association logo and the words "standard forms spotlight". Orange background

At BCREA, we often receive questions from REALTORS® and consumers related to standard forms.  We’ve received several great questions about groundwater licensing and the Water Sustainability Act (WSA) as it pertains to the Property Disclosure Statement. Below, you can find three frequently asked questions on the topic, with answers provided by a member of the