Dec 11, 2020

Apply to Become a BCREA Director for the 2021-22 Term

Dec 11, 2020

Apply to Become a BCREA Director for the 2021-22 Term

Author profile photo
By Shaheed Devji,
Assistant Manager, Marketing & Communications
Author profile photo
By Shaheed Devji,
Assistant Manager, Marketing & Communications

Applications are now being accepted for individuals interested in becoming a REALTOR® or public director on the BCREA Board of Directors for the 2021-22 term.

To request an application package, contact your local real estate board or email [email protected]. Deadline to submit your application package is January 15, 2021.

“We’re really here to help guide the industry and work for REALTORS® around the province. So, no matter where you’re from, what board you’re from, at the end of the day we’re here for the betterment of the profession,” says BCREA Chair Anthony Bastiaanssen.

“What is really important in coming to the Board of Directors is the diversity of the perspectives and background that people come from and recognizing that your unique perspective and way of thinking is likely going to be something that the Board of Directors can use.”

If you are interested in learning more about being a BCREA director, including time commitments, roles and responsibilities, and more, watch the recording of an information session hosted by BCREA on November 30.

The session, held via Zoom, was hosted by Chair of the Nominating Committee Tanis Read, a featured comments BCREA Board of Directors Chair Anthony Bastiaanssen, BCREA CEO Darlene Hyde, and BCREA Director Cory Raven.

Questions about the application package and process can be sent by email to [email protected].

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Author profile photo
By Shaheed Devji,
Assistant Manager, Marketing & Communications