Posts tagged with “Conveyancing”

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Old Is Not Necessarily Obsolete #480

On occasion, buyers become interested in properties that are subject to historical easements, some over one hundred years old…

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Aboriginal Land Development and Sale (Continued) #330

The importance of a homeowner’s association was alluded to in Legally Speaking column 329…

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Norfolk v. Aikens #155

This decision of the British Columbia Court of Appeal led to the distribution among the boards of a two-clause addendum to the Standard Contract of Purchase and Sale…

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Vendor’s Problem With Clearing Title #55

The standard Interim Agreement form contains a clause requiring the vendor to deliver a title clear of the vendor’s financial charges…

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Due Diligence Irrelevant; Time Is of the Essence #36

A number of decisions in the past few years have emphasized the necessity of recognizing the commercial reality which leads to the formation of the agreements entered into in the real estate industry…

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Solicitors Conflict of Interest Rules Affecting Vendors #33

Column No. 26 discussed the increasing number of successful damage actions brought against lawyers by vendors in transactions where the lawyers in question considered that they were acting for the purchasers only…

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Damages, Deposits; Separate Legal Representation for Vendors #26

In an Ontario case which arose because of a purchaser’s refusal to close a real estate transaction, the vendors were awarded S5,000.00 general damages for the “vexation, frustration, distress and anxiety, caused…

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Increases in Annual Rentals and Interest Rates Under the Interest Act #15

Before we leave 1981, we should refer you to two columns in which the Court cases upon which the discussions in both columns were based, were either appealed or affected by a decision in a separate case…

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Duty of a Vendor to Make Himself Available on Closing Date #10

Can vendors who neither want to complete their sale nor pay a commission, succeed by the simple act of making themselves unavailable at the time fixed for completion, and by instructing their conveyancer to do the same..