Posts tagged with “Fraud”

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Powers of Attorney: A Minefield for REALTORS® #568

REALTORS® should exercise extreme caution when dealing with clients using powers of attorney for real estate transactions.

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The F Word: Protecting Yourself and Your Clients from Fraud #554

REALTORS® should be familiar with the hallmarks of business email compromise fraud and other identity fraud that may come up in their practice.

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Title Insurance – Part 1 of 3 #321

We in British Columbia take pride in our Land Title registration system because we can satisfy ourselves as to the state of title with a 60 second online search…

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Breach of Duty and Fraudulent Misrepresentation #129

Termites, latent defect, non-disclosure, breach of duty, fraudulent misrepresentation, and all occurring in Toronto. A young couple purchased a home in an area of termite…