Posts tagged with “Market Intelligence”

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More Trouble Than It Is Worth – Analyzing the Impacts and Consequences of the Provincial Flipping Tax

In this Market Intelligence, we will look at the potential impact of this policy on the BC housing market and draw out some of its potential consequences.

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Auckland’s Housing Supply Experiment: What Does it Mean for British Columbia’s Homes for People Plan?

In this market intelligence, we take the example of Auckland as indicative of what a policy of aggressive housing liberalization and upzoning could achieve in the BC housing market.

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A Brief Note on New Listings Activity in 2023

In this Market Intelligence, we show that the pattern of new listings we see is, in fact, a usual outcome of current market dynamics and underlying economic fundamentals.

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Unprecedented Pace of Construction Needed to Offset the Impact of Record Immigration to BC

BCREA’s latest Market Intelligence report forecasts that two significant federal government policies– the Foreign Buyers Ban and record-high immigration targets– will shape housing demand in BC over the next three years.

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A Guide to Recessions and the BC Housing Market

The latest Market Intelligence report summarizes how past Canadian recessions have impacted the BC economy and housing market and look forward to how the BC housing market may perform during a potential 2023 recession.

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New BC Real Estate Association Report Estimates Impacts of Increased Supply on BC Housing Market

BCREA’s latest Market Intelligence Report finds that policies designed to streamline the development cycle are effective at mitigating demand shocks and corresponding price increases. 

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Too Tight? The Impact of Bank of Canada Tightening on BC Housing Markets

The latest Market Intelligence report explores both the historical impacts of the Bank raising its policy rate and a number of scenarios likely to play out in BC’s housing market as a result.

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Way Out of Balance: Housing Supply and Demand During the Pandemic

BCREA has published a measuring the imbalance between supply and demand in the BC housing market during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Five Questions for the Post-Pandemic Housing Market

In BCREA’s latest Market Intelligence, we examine five unanswered questions about the post-pandemic housing market in BC.

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Supply and Demand: A Quantitative History of BC Home Prices

The latest BCREA Market Intelligence examines whether it’s possible to say how much of the last decade’s rise in home prices we can attribute to changes in supply, demand, interest rates and other factors.

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COVID-19: Population Growth and Housing Demand

The latest BCREA Market Intelligence examines how the sharp drop in immigration this year due to the global pandemic has impacted the BC housing market…

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“The Unusual World of Pandemic Economics” – Why BC’s Housing Market Remains Strong Despite COVID-19

BCREA’s latest Market Intelligence report points to uneven job losses across sectors, an increase in many households’ rate of savings, swift government aid, a tighter-than-ever housing supply and low interest rates…

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Is It Different This Time? Recessions and the BC Housing Market

The 2020 COVID-19 driven recession will be deep, though the duration may be shorter than past recessions…

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Sketching Out the Potential Impact of COVID-19 on the BC Housing Market

While it’s unknown how the unfolding COVID-19 outbreak will impact the economy in the long-term, BC is facing a sudden stop in economic activity with little guidance to when things may return to normal…

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Estimating the Impacts of the Speculation and Vacancy Tax

While all BC markets experienced sharp declines since 2018, the Speculation and Vacancy tax is estimated to have reduced home sales in taxable regions in BC by an additional 12.5 per cent compared to non-taxable…

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Potential Uptake of the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive

Evaluating the First-Time Home Buyer Incentive based on its principle eligibility criteria, the highest potential uptake of the FTHBI would be in more affordable regions located outside…

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The Impact of the B-20 Stress Test on BC Home Sales in 2018

Home sales across Canada plummeted to start 2018. The near-coincident implementation of several new federal and provincial housing policies designed to temper BC housing demand has given rise to competing explanations…