Posts tagged with “Office of the Superintendent of Real Estate (OSRE)”

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BC Financial Services Authority Publishes Update About Move to Single Regulator

The BCFSA expects that the new regulatory model, which will be organized functionally with departments overseeing the entire financial sector, will come into effect this summer.

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BCREA CEO and Chief Economist Participate in Cullen Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering

BCREA CEO Darlene Hyde and Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson appeared before the Cullen Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering on February 17.

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Duelling Regulators #508

Recent amendments to the Real Estate Services Act granting the Superintendent of Real Estate greater oversight over the…

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Aboriginal Land Development and Sale (Continued) #329

Column 328 referred to the landlord/tenant relationship resulting from the development of reserve lands…

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Prospectus, Disclosure Statement and Other Changes #83

More than you ever wanted to know about this subject, but were afraid to ask…

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Prospectus and Court Ordered Sales #80

By the time this is published, we hope that Bill 66, The Real Estate Amendment Act (No. 2) 1985,* has been proclaimed…

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Section 28 Disclosure Statement #53

Section 28 of the Real Estate Act was amended in 1981 to widen the requirements for disclosure to be made by a licensee prior to the purchase of real estate by the licensee or his associates…

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Prospectus – Receipts #49

The recently distributed Bulletin referred to the intention of the Superintendent to provide additional exemptions from the provisions of the Real Estate Act relating to prospectuses…

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The Real Estate Act and the End of the 100% House #23

Unless a recent decision is reversed on appeal or the Real Estate Act is changed, the 100% house may disappear…