Posts tagged with “Power of Attorney”

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Powers of Attorney: A Minefield for REALTORS® #568

REALTORS® should exercise extreme caution when dealing with clients using powers of attorney for real estate transactions.

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Powers of Attorney Can Be Tricky #532

When representing someone who claims to have the legal right to act on behalf of the property owner on the basis of a power of attorney, licensees must be aware of the challenges that may exist…

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Share Purchase Agreements; Not All Powers of Attorney are Acceptable for Filing in the Land Title Office #354

A licensee recently wrote to inquire about share purchase agreements, presumably with reference to the Contract of Purchase and Sale…

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Representation Agreements and Powers of Attorney – Part 3 of 3 #320

The contents of the representation agreement are yours to decide. With respect to personal, medical and health care decisions, speak to your family, friends and medical professionals.

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Representation Agreements and Powers of Attorney – Part 2 of 3 #319

A representation agreement (RA) will be the principal document used to appoint someone you trust to make your medical, personal care, financial and legal decisions…

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Representation Agreements and Powers of Attorney – Part 1 of 3 #318

If a licensee is asked by a third party to list a property, the first response would be to ask to see that person’s authority to act on behalf of the owner…