Posts tagged with “Provincial Budget”

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Budget 2024 Consultation

BCREA presented an array of housing policy recommendations to the provincial Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services.

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BCREA Welcomes Budget 2023’s Housing Measures with Cautious Optimism

On February 28, 2023, Minister of Finance Katrine Conroy delivered the BC 2023 Budget Speech, adding financial promises to bolster Premier Eby’s stated governmental priorities. 

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BCREA Chief Economist Re-appointed to Economic Forecast Council

BCREA Chief Economist Brendon Ogmundson has extended his term as a member of the Province of British Columbia’s Economic Forecast Council until July 2023.

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Tackling Housing Affordability in Budget 2018

Housing affordability is a central focus of the provincial budget announced on February 20. The government’s 30-point “Homes for BC” plan outlines their approach…

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Government Needs Transitional Rules for All Transactions Impacted By Taxes Introduced in Budget 2018 — New Taxes Unlikely to Stabilize Housing Market

BCREA calls on the government to introduce transitional rules for all transactions impacted by the new tax measures introduced in Budget 2018…