Posts tagged with “Strata Parking”

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Strata Update #472

Since late 2013, the provincial government has brought into force various changes affecting strata properties. It seems a good time to review these notable developments…

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Strata Property Act, Continued #325

An owner-developer now has the opportunity until the first annual general meeting to amend the strata plan to designate parking stalls as limited common property for the use of strata lot owners and, in addition, to…

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Attention to Detail Successful #253

A nominee who called to report the successful defense of an action for damages brought by a purchaser, thought that publication of the brief details might provide…

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Condominium Parking by Owner/Developer #185

Another failed attempt by an owner/developer of a strata development to grant exclusive use to a purchaser of a strata unit of a parking stall within the common property…

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Parking Not Limited Common Property #180

A sales brochure for a condominium project which consisted of 55 strata lots and 69 parking stalls, stated that each unit was entitled to one parking stall and that an additional stall…