Posts tagged with “Criminal Code”

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Obtaining Credit By False Representation #257

Column #77 discussed an attempt to obtain financing through the use of the Contract of Purchase and Sale, one between the parties and one for the mortgage company…

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Payment Under Protest #239

What do you as a buyer do when your understanding of the contract is that the seller is required to pay GST, but the seller refuses to do so…

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Best Efforts Condition Precedent #209

Whether a condition precedent falls within the “whim or fancy” or “option or offer” category of conditions, or within the category that requires purchasers to use their best efforts to satisfy the conditions…

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Removing Fixtures; Whim or Fancy #205

If section 441 of the Criminal Code of Canada were better known to tenants, less of them might trash rented premises. This section makes it an offense, punishable upon conviction for up to five years imprisonment…