Posts tagged with “Home Buyer Rescission Period (HBRP)”

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Everything You Wanted to Know About Short-Term Rental Changes #571

The BC Government introduced the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act, prompting questions among REALTORS® and homeowners, today we explore the most common ones.

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BC REALTORS® Advocate for a Pre-Offer Period

BC REALTORS® gathered from March 10-12 in Victoria to address government liaison issues and meet with local MLAs during BCREA’s GL Days.

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Amidst a Sea of Change:  New Challenges and Opportunities for a New Year #557

Questions on how to execute the Home Buyer Rescission period? Explore the many legal claims related to it and how to avoid them.

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Callout to REALTORS®: What’s Your Experience with the Home Buyer Rescission Period?

BCREA is looking for testimonials from REALTORS® whose clients have exercised the Home Buyer Rescission Period.

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Stay Cool – New Home Buyer Rescission Period for Residential Real Properties Coming January 3, 2023 #555

BC’s new Home Buyer Rescission Period (HBRP) for residential real estate property takes effect on January 3, 2023 and while it is not a new concept, REALTORS® need to be aware of the effects of the new regulation

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BC Government to Implement Homebuyer Protection Period in January 2023

The BC Government has created regulations that will enable a mandatory three-day Homebuyer Protection Period, previously called a “cooling off period,” on January 1, 2023.

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“Cooling Off Period” With No Details Creates Uncertainty and Concern in Real Estate Sector

The BC Government’s recent announcement introducing a “cooling off period” has resulted in significant confusion and uncertainty both within the sector and amongst the public.