Posts tagged with “Human Rights Act”

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Mental Health and Mental Capacity in Real Estate Contracts #560

It’s important for REALTORS® to consider how mental health issues impact a person’s ability to enter into real estate contracts.

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Prohibition on Rental and Age Restrictions in Strata Buildings #556

REALTORS® need to be aware of the impact the changes in the Building and Strata Statutes Amendment Act, 2022 for existing owners, buyers, and sellers.

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Strata Age Restriction Bylaws #512

Strata age restriction bylaws are alive and well…

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Human Rights Code Complaint Against Licensee by Another Licensee; Minor Defect in Comparison With Larger Contract Benefit Didn’t Justify Repudiation #401

“Don’t shoot the messenger”—this must have been the reaction of a licensee against whom two complaints of discrimination under the Human Rights Code were made by another licensee…

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Human Rights—Section 8 and Discrimination Regarding Accommodation #394

The obligation to accommodate the needs of a disabled person was applied in a Nova Scotia case where the complainant sought accommodation in a mobile home park…

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BC Human Rights Code, Section 8: Strata Corporation and Unintentional Discrimination of Physically Handicapped Resident #393

Tribunal decisions made under the British Columbia Human Rights Code reveal a dramatic increase in complaints based on prohibited grounds of discrimination, from 61 in 2000 to 457 in 2004 and 591 in 2005…

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Strata Corporation Bylaws and Human Rights Code – Approval Requirement for Installation of Wood Flooring Unenforceable #371

A licensee’s client took title to a unit with a floating wood floor, in a strata corporation whose bylaws required strata council approval before installation…

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Priority Between Registered Judgment and Buyer Prior to Completion; Strata Corporation, Age Restriction in a Restrictive Covenant #270

What are the respective rights of a buyer, who had contracted to purchase property and a judgment creditor who had registered a judgment against the property, between the date of the Contract of Purchase and Sale…

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Condominium Age Restriction Upheld #259

Another decision concerning the right of a strata corporation to pass by-laws limiting occupancy to those of advancing years and to prohibit the rental of any strata units…

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Human Rights Act – Building Scheme Restriction Discriminatory #229

A trio of companies subdivided acreage into 14 lots which included an older home…

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Strata Meeting – An Amendment to a Special Resolution #211

Column #210 discussed the impact upon adult only condominium developments of amendments to the Human Rights Act concerning discriminatory practices based upon the age or family status of a prospective tenant…

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Adult Only Buildings and the Human Rights Act #210

How do amendments to the Human Rights Act (HRA) affect a developer pre-selling strata residential units in an intended adult only development?…

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Reference: Children – Prohibitions Against Residing in a Building #144

The tight rental market in Victoria and the lower mainland has made it difficult for families with children to find accommodation, particularly since a number of condominiums and apartment buildings prevent children…