Posts tagged with “Land Title Office”

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Share Purchase Agreements; Not All Powers of Attorney are Acceptable for Filing in the Land Title Office #354

A licensee recently wrote to inquire about share purchase agreements, presumably with reference to the Contract of Purchase and Sale…

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Life Lease Housing and Seniors #351

Life lease is a term for an alternative residence and ownership arrangement for seniors. The term has been growing in BC over the past ten years because of its appeal to seniors…

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Indian Land Development and Sale, Introduction To #328

Anyone involved for the first time in the sale of an interest in reserve land will find little that resembles the more usual sale of fee simple land with which we are familiar…

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Representation Agreements and Powers of Attorney – Part 3 of 3 #320

The contents of the representation agreement are yours to decide. With respect to personal, medical and health care decisions, speak to your family, friends and medical professionals.

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Norfolk v. Aikens Addendum; Mortgage Insurance – Unavailable When Needed #193

Column #164 discussed a pre-Norfolk v. Aikens offer to purchase which was interpreted using the Norfolk reasons to the advantage of the purchaser who sued for the return of his deposit…

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Condominium Act, Municipal Act, Social Service Tax Act #98

These three Acts proclaimed by the Legislature in Victoria may contain a number of booby traps waiting to explode in the face of the unwary, but each contains at least one…

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Prospectus and Court Ordered Sales #80

By the time this is published, we hope that Bill 66, The Real Estate Amendment Act (No. 2) 1985,* has been proclaimed…

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Delays in Completion – Wills Variation Act; Seat Belt Legislation #67

Delay in the completion of a sale may arise through the operation of the Wills Variation Act…

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Land Title Office Records and the Highways Act #27

A purchaser entered into an agreement for the purchase of land adjoining the highway which, according to his search of title in the Land Title Office, was of a certain area. Subsequent to the completion of the…

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Changes to the Postal Service Means Businesses Will Continue to Use Couriers for Date Sensitive Mail #12

The transfer of the postal service to a Crown Corporation may improve relations at the post office, and it may even improve service in the long run…

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Duty of a Vendor to Make Himself Available on Closing Date #10

Can vendors who neither want to complete their sale nor pay a commission, succeed by the simple act of making themselves unavailable at the time fixed for completion, and by instructing their conveyancer to do the same..

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Licensees’ Duty to Disclosure of All Facts to His Principal #1

The selling agent brought an offer to the listing agent for $85,000.00 on September 26, 1977, which was accepted by the vendors, subject to their obtaining a release of a prior offer by September 29th…