Posts tagged with “Property Transfer Tax Act”

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Property Transfer Tax – Multiple Buyers and Exemptions #277

A decision involving the Property Transfer Tax Act points to a way, when the facts are right, to reduce the amount of the total tax payable when there are multiple buyers. Three individuals…

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Real Estate Act Section 28 – Disclosure by Licensee #237

Not every listing contract creates a fiduciary relationship, nor does every imperfectly completed Section 28 disclosure by a licensee give a seller a legal basis for…

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Property Purchase Tax Act (Continued) #107

On July 10, 1987, the Ministry of Finance closed the loophole referred to in the second example in Column 106 by an amendment to the PPTA…

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Property Purchase Tax Act #106

We can expect publication in late July of regulations to carry out the intent of this Act. These regulations may…