Posts tagged with “Subject Conditions”

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Tips for Using Clauses and Amending Contracts of Purchase and Sale #541

While it may seem simple to change contract terms, there are important guidelines and principles for REALTORS® to keep in mind when drafting a contract or in making amendment.

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Protect Your Clients and Reduce Claims Risks During COVID-19 #525

These are unprecedented times with the arrival of COVID-19. We have all heard that many times and it’s true for all industries, including real estate…

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Option, Payment to Lawyer of Optionee Invalid Exercise of Option; Confirmation Added to Addendum, of Discussion With Seller, Was Not a Counteroffer #331

An owner who sold a building lot took back an option to repurchase it if the buyer did not construct a dwelling house upon it by a fixed date…

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Selling Licensee’s Duty to Disclose – No “Subject to Sale” Clause #94

It is the selling licensee who discovers what a prospective purchaser can or cannot afford, or what specific quality or use of the property is of particular interest to the purchaser…

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Back-Up Offers #89

A vendor’s decision to take a back-up offer can be risky to the vendor’s financial health, as will be apparent from your review of the following facts…

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Legal Advice – The Pitfalls of Giving #59

Adam entered his solicitor’s office with a writ in his hand and an expression on his face which his solicitor, as Adam’s old golfing partner, recognized…

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Offer or Option #57

The following are all abbreviated examples of the usual “subject to” clauses to be fulfilled by a purchaser, right…

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Locked-In Mortgages – a Further Report; Non-Refundable Deposits – a Further Comment #56

The battle to force a mortgagee to accept prepayment of a locked-in, high-interest rate mortgage which had been renewed after the initial term of five years had expired, continues on several fronts within the legal…

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Removal of Conditions and the Law and Equity Act #17

An offer to purchase the assets of a hunting and fishing lodge, was subject to a number of conditions, one of which was the following: “Subject to obtaining financing, provided that this subject clause shall be…

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“Best Efforts” Cases #9

Very occasionally a prospective purchaser for whom an offer to purchase is being prepared, asks for the insertion of a condition in the agreement such as “subject to financing…” because he is not entirely certain…